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Dax and Overbought vs. Oversold
Dax and stocks above their 50 day moving average
Dax and 50 day cycle
Dax and 20 day high low cycle
Dax and Stock Correlation
Dax and Volume Index note: don't mind the values because they depend on starting value and it changes, only the direction matters.
Dax and Risk cycle
Dax and Overbought vs. Oversold
Dax and stocks above their 50 day moving average
Dax and 50 day cycle
Dax and 20 day high low cycle
Dax and McClellan Summation Index
note: don't mind the values because they depend on starting value and it changes, only the direction matters.
Dax and Stock Correlation
Dax and Volume Index note: don't mind the values because they depend on starting value and it changes, only the direction matters.
Dax and Risk cycle